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Get to know the Pastoral Care Team at CUUB


Pastoral care is an ancient model of emotional, social and spiritual support that can be found in all cultures and traditions.   Wikipedia


At CUUB the Pastoral Care Team (PCT)* is a group of people who work with the minister and the congregation to identify members of CUUB who might suddenly find life’s challenges overwhelming or who would welcome a simple contact.


Our efforts center on:​

  • Mailing cards on behalf of CUUB -- with personalized messages reflecting care and concern as well as good wishes and congratulations.

  • Lending empathic ears to someone who might “just need to talk.”

  • Coordinating meal deliveries or transportation during an illness or family emergency, upon request.

  • ï‚·Helping identify options for community and professional resources.

  • ï‚·Assisting with planning memorials and funerals, upon request.

  • ï‚·Encouraging members to complete a CUUB Cares Card – contact information to be used in the event of a medical emergency.


As indicated above, PCT relies on our Community to let us know about the potential needs/concerns of our members.  We want to respect an individual’s privacy, but sometimes just letting people know they are not alone is important.


*Members of PCT have pledged confidentiality in all matters brought to their attention with the understanding that Federal Law requires us to report suspected child or elder abuse/neglect and suicidal or homicidal intentions.


We can be reached at






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